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Preclinical in vivo and in vitro assessments  

Electrophysiological Assessments of Retinal Function

Electroretinography (ERG) measures electrical potentials generated by the retina in response to light stimuli and is used for detection of adverse effects or toxicity of a test article on retinal rod and cone function. The ERG can detect changes in retinal function prior to anatomical changes in retinal appearance noted via ophthalmoscopic examination (e.g., retinitis pigmentosa). Conversely, the ERG can determine whether any changes in retinal appearance during a study are in fact altering retinal function. 

When to use ERG in preclinical studies?

  • When observations of changes in retinal appearance were already made during a study, to determine if these are in fact altering retinal function. ERG measurements can be repeated during a study on cohorts already included in the design.

  • The compound is known to affect electrophysiology.

  • The compound binds to melanin.

  • Retinal lesions are suspected.

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